As the Embermage is fragile and squishy, it is advisable to invest points into this skill, having a meat shield absorbing damage for you. The Astral Ally serves as a powerful companion, both being able to tank and launch a fearful blitz of chaos upon enemies. Also, Frost Wave deserves a special mention as the skill scales well into the later stages of the game, providing excellent damage and freeze. Icy Blast, Hailstorm and Frost Wave are all effective in ensuring enemies stay put, allowing you to set up powerful area of effect skills such as Infernal Collapse or Thunder Locus. The Frost skill tree aims to control mobs by restricting their movements and attacks. Charge Mastery is also a must as it helps to conserve mana pools and amplify your damage output. Be sure to skill up passives such as Fire Brand which adds a powerful kick into every attack on a burning enemy. When these two skills are paired with Firestorm, they unleash a lethal and continuous wave of destruction upon enemies. Inferno mages should prioritize on effective crowd control by utilizing both Infernal Collapse and Magma Mace.

Magma Spear is often levelled as it is a powerful single target demolisher, at all stages of the game. The Inferno skill tree offers the most damage potential and is effective against armoured enemies as fire damage bypasses their shields. Skill wise, there are three trees to choose from. Most mages however are played without relying on physical damage from weapons as their spells dish out plenty of damage, rendering Dexterity and Strength useless in most cases. A few points into Vitality will suffice and a negligible amount into Strength and Dexterity. However, care must be taken to not neglect the mage's survivability. To maximize damage dealing, more points should be invested into Focus.

As a powerful and destructive spellcaster, the Embermage specializes in steamrolling enemies with a wide array of skills.

The Embermage has three skill trees: Inferno, Frost, and Storm.Įmbermages start with 5 strength, 10 dexterity, 15 focus and 10 vitality. Skills Main article: Embermage Skills T2 Classes & Skills "Akasha" was one of the first few people who discovered the true potential of an Embermage's wrath. Embermage derives from the word mage which means mana-user or magic-user.